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MRP: ₹100.00

CODE: IS15233 | G: 35

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Use for Cleaning household appliances such as Washing Machine, Dish Washers, Steam irons & Coffee Makers. For best results refer to appliances manufacturers' instructions. Washing Machine: For your front-loading washing machine, empty the full packet in the main wash chamber of DD tray. In the case of Top loading washing machine empty the full packet in the washtub after taking in hot water with 45 degrees celsius to 60 degrees Celcius temperature and before the start of the wash cycle, without clothes. Run the washing machine till finish. Switch off the machine, clean, and refill the fluff filter. For normal washing of the clothes on the same day, use the machine after 30 minutes. Dish Washer: Put 4 spoons full of cleaner in the powder dispenser of your Dishwasher and run the machine without any dish. For normal washing of dishes on the same day, use the machine after 30 minutes.


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